Me wit my love

Me wit my love

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

प्यार...? दोस्ती...? भाग 4

अगले दिन आकाश और जिया फिल्म देखने गए।

आकाश- हम ये फिल्म देखने क्यों आए है।

जिया- मुझे ये फिल्म देखनी है इसलिए।

आकाश- तुझे पता है ना मुझे love stories पसंद नहीं है।

जिया- चल चुपचाप अभी।

जैसे ही आकाश ठेटर में घुसा, उसे एक लड़की दिखाई दी और वो उसे 
देखता ही रह गया। बिलकुल हिंदी फिल्म का सीन चल रहा हो जैसे। उसके लिए समय जैसे वही ठहर गया। वो वापस अपने होश में तब आया जब जिया ने उसे हिलाया और कहा “क्या हुआ बे”

आकाश- जिया मुझे प्यार हो गया.

जिया- किसे...?

आकाश- वो सामने लड़की देख रही है। उससे।

जिया- तू पागल तो नहीं हो गया ना. बस एक बार किसी को देखा और प्यार हो गया। एसा थोड़ी ना होता है।

आकाश- हाँ होता है। तुझे नहीं पता क्या। तेरे शाहरुख की फिल्म में तो होता है। मै तो इसी से शादी करूँगा। तुने कहा था ना की तू मेरे लिए लड़की ढून्देगी। इसे पटाने में मेरी मदद कर।

जिया- मै क्या मदद करू।

आकाश सोचने लगा और सोचते सोचते अपनी सीट पर आकर बेठ गया। वो अभी सोच ही रहा था कि वो लड़की उसके साथ वाली सीट पर आकर बेठ गयी। उसके एक तरफ जिया बेठी थी और दूसरी तरफ वो लड़की।

जिया- अबे ये ही वो लड़की है ना। सोलिड किस्मत है तेरी।

आकाश- किसी महान व्यक्ति ने कहा है(अपने शाहरुख ने ) अगर किसी 
चीज़ को दिल से चाहो तो पूरी कायनात उसे तुमसे मिलाने की कोशिश में लग जाती है।

जिया- बस बस ज्यादा ड़ाइलोग मत मार और मुझे उसके पास बेठने दे तभी तो में उससे बात कर पाऊँगी।

आकाश- नहीं मुझे उसे देखना है। तू फिलहाल फिल्म देख और मुझे उससे देखने दे।  तू इंटरवल में उससे बात कर लेना जब में तेरे लिए पोपकोर्न लेने जाऊंगा।

जिया- लेकिन…

आकाश- Ssss… चुपचाप फिल्म देख।

इंटरवल के बाद जब आकाश वापस आकर बेठा तो वो लड़की आकाश से बोली “हेलो मेरा नाम अनामिका है”

आकाश- "आकाश"।

और दोनों हाथ मिलते है

आकाश(जिया के तरफ देखते हुए)- तुने इसको क्या बोला।

जिया- ये लडकियों का राज़ है। तू आम खा ना गुठलिया क्यों गिन रहा है।

आकाश - बता ना

जिया- Ssss… चुपचाप मूवी देखने दे। तू उससे बात कर।

आकाश(अनामिका से)- ये love stories कितनी interesting होती है।

अनामिका- तुम लड़के होकर ये बोल रहे हो।

आकाश- हम भी एक लेखक है। थोड़ी बहुत love stories हम भी लिख लेते है. Professionally I am a pilot.

अनामिका- Wow. मै interior designer हूँ।

जिया(आकाश का कल्लर पकड़ते हुए)- तू कितना कमीना है।

आकाश- Guys are supposed to be “kamina”

जब तक फिल्म ख़तम हुई अनामिका और आकाश की अच्छी दोस्ती हो चुकी थी। दोनों ने एक दुरसे से नंबर लिया और अपने अपने घर चले गए।

Saturday, November 26, 2011

प्यार...? दोस्ती...? भाग 3

कुछ दिन बाद जिया और आकाश का 10th का रिजल्ट आया। दोनों के बहुत अच्छे नंबर आये। जिया ने कॉमर्स ले लिया और आकाश ने गणित। आकाश NDA की तयारी के लिए दिल्ली चला गया। आकाश का NDA में चयन हो गया और वो देहरादून चला गया। यहाँ जिया B.Com पड़ने लगी। रोज़ फ़ोन पर बात होती थी। जब चार साल बाद आकाश ट्रेनिंग खत्म कर के घर आया तो हर कोई खुश था। तब जिया B. Com कर रही थी।  आकाश जिया से मिलने गया. जिया के पापा उसे समझा रहे थे की उन्होंने जिया के लिए लड़का देखा है लेकिन जिया शादी करने से इनकार कर रही थी। उसे अपनी पढाई पूरी करनी थी।

अंकल- जिया मैने तुम्हारे लिए एक लड़का पसंद किया है।

जिया- पापा मुझे अभी शादी नहीं करनी है। मुझे MBA करना है।

आकाश (घर में घुसते हुए)-कर ले ना शादी वैसे भी शादी के बाद तो तुझे घर पर ही बेठना है। कौन सा तेरे ससुराल वाले तुझे काम करने देंगे।

अंकल- अरे आकाश… तुम कब आये?

आकाश- बस अंकल सुबह ही आया।

जिया- तू चुप रह। तू आया ही क्यों? तू फ़ोन पर ही अच्छा लगता है।

अंकल- जिया…

आकाश- हाँ हाँ तभी कोई मुझसे कह रहा था की तू जल्दी आ। तेरे बिना मज़ा नहीं आता। I miss you

अंकल- अच्छा जिया लड़का बहुत अच्छा है और तुम शादी के बाद भी पढाई पूरी कर सकती हो। लड़के को कोई प्रॉब्लम नहीं होगी। वो लोग हमारे अच्छे dost है। बल्कि तुम भी उनको जानती हो। लड़का बहुत होशियार है

अंकल(आकाश की तरफ देखता हुए)- वो air force में है।

जिया- पापा कौन है?

जिया और आकाश एक दुसरे को देखते है।

जिया- पापा प्लीस ये नहीं बोलना की वो आकाश है।

अंकल- हाँ वो ही तो है। क्यों कोई प्रॉब्लम है क्या? तुम दोनों एक दुसरे को बचपन से जानते हो।

जिया- आपने एसा सोच भी  कैसे लिया की मै और आकाश एक दुसरे से प्यार करते है।

अंकल- अरे मै तुम दोनों को बचपन से देख रहा हूँ। आज तक तुम दोनों ने कभी कोई बॉयफ्रेंड या गर्लफ्रेंड नहीं  बनाया और अगर कोई तुम दोनों के बीच आना चाहा तो तुम्हारी नजदीकियों ने किसी को जगह नहीं दी। हर  कोई यहाँ पडोसी रिश्तेदार यही जानते है की तुम दोनों ही शादी करोगे।

जिया- लोग तो कुछ भी कहते है। लोगो का तो काम ही होता है कहना। ये आकाश ने आपसे कुछ कहा क्या?

जिया(आकाश से)- ओये खडूस तुझे मुझसे शादी करनी है...? मुह तोड़ दूंगी तेरा मै।

आकाश जो इतनी देर से उन दोनों की बातें सुन रहा था बोल पड़ा- पागल है क्या...नहीं

आकाश(अंकल से)- हम दोनों एक दूसरे से प्यार नहीं करते है। माना की हम हमेशा एक दूसरे के साथ रहते है, एक दूसरे को परेशान करते है, कभी कभी एक दूसरे की मदद भी करते है। Basically अंकल we are friend. Jiya is my best friend not my girlfriend

अंकल- बेटा ये तुम क्या कह रहे हो। तुमने तो हमारी चिंता बड़ा दी। हम तो ये ही सोच के बेठे थे की तुम दोनों आपस मे शादी करोगे. बल्कि मैने तुम्हारे मम्मी पापा से भी बात कर ली थी।

जिया- पापा आपको हमसे पहले पूछना तो चाहिए था।

आकाश- आप टेंशन ना लो अंकल मै इसके लिए कोई लूला लंगड़ा अँधा बहरा जैसा भी कोई ना कोई लड़का ढून्ढ के लूँगा।

Jiya- ओये….

आकाश- क्यों तुझे लड़की चाहिए क्या…

जिया- तू पिटेगा मुझसे।

आकाश- नहीं बता दे चाहिए तो... 

जिया- नहीं। और मै तेरे लिए कोई काली बेंगी डायन टाइप की लड़की ढून्ढ के लुंगी।

आकाश- चल तो फिर ये तय रहा की तू मेरे लिए लड़की ढून्देगी और मै तेरे लिए लड़की।

जिया- ओये...

आकाश- अच्छा ठीक है लड़का।

अंकल- आजकल के बचे उफ़। हमारे ज़माने मे तो शादी हो जाती थी फिर पता चलता था की लड़की कौन है।

आकाश- अंकल अब वो ज़माना गया। हम नयी पीडी के बच्चे है।

आकाश जिया को लेकर उसके कमरे मै जाते हुए उसके कंधे पर हाथ रखता है और कहता है “वैसे आईडिया बुरा नहीं है तेरे लिए भी लड़की ढूँढने है। क्या बोलती है ”

जिया -लात खायगा या घूंसा…

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

प्यार...? दोस्ती...? भाग 2

समय अपनी रफ़्तार से चल रहा था किसी को खबर भी नहीं हुई और  ये दोनों बड़े होते चले गए देखते ही देखते दोनों 16 साल के हो गए एक बार देर रात आकाश जिया के घर की खिड़की से जिया के रूम में घुसा जिया अपने बिस्तर पर लेती हुई थी

आकाश(फुसफुसाते हुए)- hey जिया…. सो गयी क्या मोटी….?

जिया को लगा खिड़की पर कोई है वो चिल्लाने ही वाली थी की आकाश बोल पड़ा

आकाश- ओये चिल्लाना मत. मै हूँ यार आकाश

जिया खिड़की तक गयी

जिया- आकाश इस समय तू यहाँ क्या कर रहा है पापा ने देख लिया तो बहुत गुस्सा करेंगे तू जा यहाँ से आकाश खिड़की से अंदर आ जाता है

जिया- ये क्या कर रहा है मै तुझे जाने के लिए बोल रही हूँ और तू अन्दर आ रहा है

आकाश- बाहर लटकता हुआ अच्छा नहीं लग रहा था पडोसी देखेंगे तो क्या सोचेंगे

जिया- तू पागल है क्या

आकाश- बचपन से अच्छा वो छोड़ मुझे कुछ पैसे उधार चाहिए

जिया - पहले से ही तुझे मेरे को Rs 1000 देने है न

आकाश- दे दूंगा ना। मै कहाँ भागा जा रहा हूँ

तभी दरवाज़े पर दस्तक हुई है  “जिया तुम सो गयी क्या”

जिया- नहीं मम्मा बस सोने ही जा रही थी

जिया(आकाश से)- तू अलमारी में छुप जा. जल्दी!!!

काश अलमारी में जा के छुप जाता है और जिया दरवाज़ा खोलती है

आंटी- ये लो जिया ढूढ़ पी लो अच्छी नींद आएगी

जिया- मम्मा आपको पता है ना मुझे ढूध पीना पसंद नहीं है

आंटी- चल चुपचाप  पी ले अब वो आकाश को देख रोज़ ढूध पीता है ना

जिया ने कुछ सोचा और कहा "अच्छा ठीक है आप टेबल पर रख दो मै पी 

आंटी टेबल पर ढूध रख  कर चली गयी जैसे ही आंटी बाहर निकली आकाश अलमारी मे से निकला

आकाश- कितनी गर्मी थी अन्दर में बस मरने ही वाला था

जिया- ये ले ढूध पी ले

आकाश- लेकिन ये ढूध तो तेरे लिए है ना

जिया- तुझे पता है ना मुझे ढूध कितना पसंद है. चल अब चुपचाप पी ले 

आकाश- लेकिन...

जिया- पैसे चाहिए की नहीं...

आकाश- ये अच्छी ज़बरदस्ती है

जिया- कितने चाहिए?

आकाश- Rs 500

जिया- अबे क्या घर से भाग रहा है

आकाश- नहीं दोस्तों के साथ long drive पर जा रहा हूँ पेट्रोल के पैसे 
नहीं है

जिया पर्स से पैसे निकलते हुए “कब वापस देगा”

आकाश- जल्दी दे दूंगा मेरी जान

वो  जिया को किस किया और खिड़की से नीचे चला गया जिया खिड़की  पर कड़ी हो कर उससे जाते हुए देखी और मुस्कुराने लगी तभी उसकी मम्मी आई “ढूध पी लिया तुमने. Very good

जिया ठिठक गयी

आंटी - खिड़की पर क्या कर रहो ठण्ड लग जाएगी चलो खिड़की बंद करो

जिया वापस अपने बिस्तर पर आ कर लेट गयी

Thursday, October 13, 2011

प्यार...? दोस्ती...? भाग 1

आज मै एक नयी कहानी शुरू कर रहा हूँ। आशा करता हूँ आपको पसंद आएगी। अगर कोई गलती हो गयी हो तो  माफ़ कर दीजियेगा । वैसे आपके सुझाव और आलोचना का स्वागत है । इस कहानी के सभी पात्र काल्पनिक है और इनका वास्तविक ज़िन्दगी से तालुकात महज़ इतेफाक है।

एक फोटो अपने अन्दर कितनी कहानिया समेटे रहती है। वो सिर्फ एक जगह या वहाँ खड़े लोग नहीं दिखाती बल्कि लोगो की खुशिया उनके गम और ना जाने कितनी भावनाए छुपाये रहता है। यही सोचते सोचते आकाश उन पलो मे खो गया जो उसने अपनी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त जिया के साथ बिताये थे। स्कूल का पहला दिन, सड़क अभी गीली थी। कल रात शायद बारिश पड़ी थी। मौसम में  इसलिए थोड़ी ठंडक भी थी। आकाश के पिताजी उससे बस स्टॉप पर छोड़ने आये थे। वहाँ पड़ोस में रहने वाले शर्मा जी भी अपनी बेटी को छोड़ने आये थे। शर्मा जी और चोपरा जी एक ही कंपनी में काम करते थे इसलिए एक दुसरे को बहुत पहले से जानते थे लेकिन आकाश और जिया की ये पहली मुलाकात थी।  जब  चोपरा जी और शर्मा जी बात कर रहे थे, जिया के कदम आकाश की तरफ बड़े। वो नन्हे हाथों से हाथ मिले और एक मुस्कराहट, एक मासूम सी मुस्कराहट दोनों के चहरे पर आ गयी।ये शुरुआत थी एक नयी दोस्ती की। जैसे जैसे समय बीतता गया ये दोस्ती गहरी होती गयी। एक ही कक्षा में पड़ने से, आस पास रहने से उन दोनों के बीच की दूरीयां कम होती गयी। समय जैसे एक चुटकी में गुजर गया और दोनों कब बड़े हो गए पता भी नहीं चला। एक दिन जिया आकाश के घर गयी फ्रिज से पानी की बोतल निकलते हुए बोली

जिया- आंटी आकाश कहाँ है…?

आंटी- बेटा वो तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ घूमने गया है।

जिया- सारा दिन घूमता रहता है। आंटी मै बता रही हूँ ये लड़का आपके हाथ 
से निकलता जा रहा है।

आंटी- तूने ही तो इससे बिगाड़ा है। कभी  भी कोई गलती करता है तो तू उसकी ही तरफदारी करती है 

जिया- लेकिन आपको थोडा बहुत तो मेरे जाने के बाद डांटना चाहिए ना।
तभी आकाश घर मे घुसा।

आकाश- ओये मोटी क्या बुराई कर रही है मेरी...

जिया- मेने क्या कहा...

आकाश- कुछ ना कुछ बुरा ही बोल रही होगी। मेरे बारे में तो तू अच्छा बोल ही नहीं सकती है ना मोटी।

जिया- देखो ना आंटी हमेशा मेरे को मोटी मोटी चिडाता रहता है।

आंटी- क्यों परेशान करता है बेचारी को।

आकाश- बेचारी और ये…हूह।

आंटी- चलो दोनों खाना खा लो। मुझे पता है तुम दोनों ने सुबह से कुछ नहीं 
खाया होगा।

खाने की मेज़ पर

आकाश- कितना खाती है मोती

आंटी- एसा नहीं बोलते बेटा

जिया खाना छोड़ के आकाश के कमरे में चली गयी। वहाँ वो रोने लगी। 
आंटी ने आकाश को गुस्से से देखा आकाश ने एसा इशारा किया जैसे वो कह रहा हो मेने क्या किया।

आंटी- जा उसको मना ले।

आकाश- खाना तो पूरा खाने दो।

उसकी मम्मी ने फिर से उससे गुस्से से देखा तो आकाश बोला अच्छा ठीक है जा रहा हूँ। आकाश ने दरवाज़े खटखटाया  और अन्दर चला गया।

जिया- तेरा ही घर है knock क्यों कर रहा है।

आकाश- ओये तू कब से इसी हो गयी।

जिया- इसी कैसी?

आकाश- Weird, लडकियों types रोने धोने वाली।

जिया- मै लड़की ही हूँ अगर तुने notice नहीं किया है तो।

आकाश- देख यार मुझे लडकियों को चुप कराना नहीं आता। तुझे तो पता है मुझे लडकियों के साथ behave करना नहीं आता इसलिए तू अपने आप चुप हो जा नहीं तो mom मुझे मार डालेगी।

जिया- तेरे से यही उम्मीद की जा सकती है।

आकाश- Sorry यार मेरा इरादा तेरा दिल दुखाने का नहीं था। मै तो बस 
मजाक कर रहा था। तू रोएगी तो में भी खुश कहाँ रहूँगा। चल अब एक प्यारी सी smile दे।

जिया- ओये तू senti मत हुआ कर। अच्छा नहीं लगता।
एसा ही प्यारा सा रिश्ता था जिया और आकाश का। एक पल लड़ते थे और दुसरे पल दोस्त बन जाते थे।

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Perfect Part 4

A little recap from the previous part. Aakash has finished his 12th and he had an argument with his father about his career. But he agreed at the end. He joined the engineering college but his grades started to fall gradually. And at the end of 4th semester he got a year back. He went to the beach on his bike that day. He sat on a rock and started playing with the sand. He thought his life has become like the sand. No matter how harder he tried holds it, it slipped out of fingers faster. He came back to his hostel immediately after that as he didn’t want to let anyone know what was in his heart. As soon as he entered the room, he went on his knees as a defeated king and covered his face with his hands and started crying like an innocent baby. His pain doesn't seem to reduce. His crying turned into screaming. He started punching the wall. His agony seems endless. His frustration of so many years was coming out. He started feeling the pain in his head. As he could not stand anymore he put his hand on the floor. Then he sat there against the wall alone. His face was drenched with tears. He started thinking what has happened to him. How his life has changed. How he has changed in past 3 years. He has changed so much that he could recognize himself in the mirror. Who thought a good student in school one of the topper will struggle to get just passing marks. He never planned this. Everything in his life seems so destroyed. He has nowhere to go. Every path he chooses to go seems blurred. No one was there for him. No relative no friends no one. When he first came to college, he thought he will study hard and will be a good student in college as well. Life tuned out to be rather opposite as he has dreamt of it. But now anything can't be done. He thought to himself. Everything he planned turned out to be a disaster. As he sat there he saw sleeping pills on the shelf. He thought now this is the last option to get out of this pain. He got up and took out 15-20 pills randomly dissolved it in glass of water and gulped it. After 10 minutes he couldn’t stand. He slowly leaned down and sat against the wall. He started to feel the dizziness. He smiled on the irony that now may be everyone will be happy that he didn't failed in doing this and he closed his eyes laid there as the pain subsidized forever. One more talent was wasted just coz of parent’s hypocrisy.

Via my blog I want to ask all the parents why can't they understand their children feeling and let their child choose their own career? I know they are experienced but they should think about child's interest. They should not lay weight of their dreams on their child’s shoulder. In today’s world anything can be made a career. I mean anything a writer a choreographer painter anything. Why are they being Hippocratic?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Perfect Part 3

A little recap from the previous part. Aakash has finished his 12th and he had an argument with his father about his career. But he agreed at the end. He gave engineering entrance exam and came out with flying colors. As the college was a little far away from the city, he decided to live in the hostel. It would be a good experience for him as he has always been living with his parents. In the starting everything was fine. He was allotted a room with a guy. Although he was not of his branch but he was fine. In the starting classes seemed also interesting. But as the time passed things start to change. He was no more interested in class as he could not understand anything in class. He was having a tough time with his subject. On top of that he went into the company of some rich brats of the college. As he couldn’t get along with other student of the class he started hanging out with these guys. But as the time passed he felt he has become the joker of the group. He belonged to a lower middle class family came from a rural area he couldn't spend money as other guys used to. He could not afford branded clothes, luxurious meals other guy used to make fun of him. He started drifting away from everyone in college. He went into depression. His life was confined between hostel and the class room. So as he has no one to talk to, he started writing stories in the class. He started not paying attention to what teacher was teaching. He will be lost in his own fictional world. Slowly he lost interest in his studies. When the results of first semester came all were shocked. Aakash got only 50%.  As the time passed semester after semester his grade started to fall gradually. Even he got some backs. When he cleared those backs, he got more backs in next semester. It became a chain of backs. He went home after his 4th semester exams. When he was busy reading a novel in his room his dad came in

Dad- Aakash it seem you have lost interest in your studies. What’s happening? We are providing you all the facilities even then you are not getting good marks

Aakash- Dad I never wanted to be an engineer. You forced me into it

Dad- I know what you wanted to be. I am not like your uncle who has a business to back you up if you could not succeed

Aakash- I know that dad. I never asked for your help. I could have managed but you never trusted me

Dad- These are all excuses to escape the reality.

Aakash- That’s the problem dad. You have decided that I am wrong without even considering the reason behind it

Dad- Aakash doesn’t give me this philosophical crap.

Aakash- Dad this argument is endless. You will never admit your mistake and I can’t live with the fact that I was wrong. So let’s just not talk about it

Aakash went out of the room. After few days Aakash’s result came. He couldn’t pass one of his critical papers. So he got a year back. He has to sit home for the whole year.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Perfect Part 2

A little recap from the previous part. Aakash has finished his 12th and he had an argument with his father about his career. He was on his bike going towards the beach. His bike was tolerating all his anger. Whenever he uses to feel low, he will go to the beach and sit alone there. He was sitting there on one of the rock. He was looking the water. How calm it was. He thought just when wind starts to flow, waves take the gigantic form. He started thinking just like the sea should he also take the gigantic form and be a rebel to his father to fulfill his dreams or he should he be calm and to obey him lead life his father want him to. May be his father is right. May be becoming a writer is not a good idea. He has taken his decision. Now he started walking on the sand. Sun was about to set. The view was magnificent.  Thought started emerging on his mind. He sat down by the side took out his pen and notepad and started writing whatever he was thinking so that he won’t forget it when he will go home. Later he can write something good out of it. It was getting dark there. He started walking towards his bike. There was a smile on his face. Coz now he knew what he is going to do. He has been a good student in his school life. What happened if he has a course which is not of his interest. He can manage just how he has managed in school. And by the side he will keep writing. As he was driving his bike, he saw the skyscrapers of big corporate firms. He thought one day he will be working for one of the firms. As he reached home, his mother called him and was angry

Mother- Where did you go? We were worried about you.

Aakash- I went to the beach maa.

Mother- At least you should have had you lunch. Din me tum kabhi khana nahi khate ho. Esse hi chalta raha to weak ho jaoge (She was setting the dining table for dinner)

Aakash - Ok maa. Give me food now I am hungry.
Mother- Go, call your father also. He must me waiting too.

Aakash yelled (Sitting at the dining table) - Dad food is ready.

Mother (Giving a pat on the back) - You are so lazy. Room me jake nahi bhula sakta hai.

His dad entered the room and sat on the table. As they were eating Aakash started the conversation

Aakash- Dad I want some money

Dad- How much?

Aakash - Around 3000-4000

Dad - Itne paise kyon chahiye. Everything alright?

Aakash- Yes dad. Everything is fine. I need to fill the engineering entrance examination form. Ab engineering college me esse thodi na jane denge.

Dad- To finally tumhari akal thikane aa hi gayi. Achha hai. Abhi mere ass nahi hai. Mein tumhe kal paise de dunga.

And rest of the dinner was eaten in silence.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Perfect Part 1

Let me start my story with the by giving the introduction of the characters. Mr. Chopra a lower middle class government employee Mrs. Chopra a housewife and Aakash their son. The other characters are not important but as they appear in the story I will let you know. Aakash has just finished his 12th exams. Let’s go to Chopra residence and let’s see what happening there. There was a heated argument going on. The scene inside didn’t look good as it used to be. Aakash slammed the door and left the house. He was in full anger. He just had a huge argument with his dad about his career. His father wanted him to be an engineer and after that he wanted him to do a MBA so that he can get a job in a reputed IT company. But Aakash had entirely different thought going in his mind. He wanted to be a writer. The conversation which he had with his father is as follows

Aakash: Dad mujhe aapse kuch baat karni hai

Dad:  Abhi me busy hun baad me baat kare.

Aakash: Its important dad. It’s about my career.

Mr. Chopra kept the file aside and started listening

Aakash: Dad I don’t want to do B. Tech. I don’t want to be an engineer

Dad: Then what you want to do. You want to struggle about things you can’t have and then when enough time has passed and you will not have a degree. You will have to join a BPO. That’s the future you want for yourself.

Aakash: At least let me try once

Dad: Even if you succeed you will not be able to earn yourself a lifestyle you will have when you will became a manager

Aakash- Dad whatever I will earn I will be happy. I will be doing things I am good at and at the same time I will be enjoying

Dad- This is what you want to do. Enjoy… Huh. If you are done with your foolish talk let me get back to my work.

Aakash- But Dad….

Dad- Enough. Now you will do as I say. No more arguments

And Aakash slammed the door behind as he left the room. Mrs. Chopra called Aakash as he was leaving the house
Mom- Aakash khana to kha ke jao

Aakash- mom mujhe bhook nah hai me bahar ja raha hun.
For Aakash it felt like suffocating in there. So he headed towards the beach on his bike

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Lucky in Love Part 6

So a little recap from the previous part. Aakash is a Facebook addict guy met a girl there named Jiya. Slowly they fall in love. But now her marriage is fixed somewhere else and Aakash has gone there to stop it. Anyways there he saw one man instructing everybody. He looked a little tensed. Aakash thought he could be Jiya’s father. He went up to him
Aakash- Uncle vo Jiya…
Uncle- Beta Jiya abhi ghar par nahi hai. Beauty parlor gayi hai.
Aakash- Uncle mujhe aapse kuch baat karni hai.
Uncle- Beta abhi me busy hun. Tum baad me aana hum aaram se beth kar baat karenge
Aakash- Nahi uncle baat bahut important hai abhi hi karni zaruri hai.
Uncle- Essa kya hai jo thodi der bhi nahi ruk sakta. Waise tumne bataya nahi tum kaun ho
Aakash- Uncle mera naam Aakash hai
He saw Jiya coming.
Jiya- Aakash? What are you doing here?
Uncle- Do you know him?
Jiya- Aakash please tum yahaan se chale jao. Aaj meri engagement hai
Aakash- Jiya please aaj mujhe mat roko.
And then he told him everything to uncle.
Uncle- Tumhara dimaag to thikane par hai.
Aakash- I know uncle isliye me itni dur se bas aapse ye hi kahne aaya hun. Please ye sagaai rok dijiye, warna bahut der ho jayegi
Uncle- Jiya Do you love him?
Jiya- Yes papa but…
Uncle didn’t let Jiya finish her sentence. He spoke in between
Uncle- Do you kids think this is some kind of joke. Hindi movie ka scene hai kya ki ladka aayega aur engagement ruk jayegi
Till then everyone has gather around them. Everyone started talking.
Aakash- Shall we talk in a room. I don’t wanna create a scene
Uncle- Scene has already been created. What else do you want to do? I think you should leave.
At that time Sameer appeared out of no where
Sameer- Ye sab kya ho raha hai?
Aakash- Sameer you shut up. Let me talk
Sameer- Jiya Who’s this guy?
Jiya- He is Aakash
Sameer- Lekin ye to…
Aakash- Didn’t I asked you to shut up. I don’t like people interrupting me especially those whom I don’t like
Aakash (turned towards uncle)- Uncle meri baat to sun lijiye. Kyon aap Jiya ki shaadi zarbardasti uske saath karna chahte. Aapko bhi pata hai Jiya uske saath khush nahi rahegi. That ways you are ruining lives.
Aunty (Jiya’s mom) - Sahi to kaha raha hai Aakash.
Uncle- Tum beach me mat bolo
Aunty- kyon na bolu meri bachi ki zindagi ka sawal hai.
Aakash- Uncle me ye nahi bol raha ki aap Jiya ki shaadi abhi mujhse karwa dijiye. All I am asking is time. Just let Jiya and me spend some time. That ways we will know how much we love each other.
Sameer- Uncle I hate to say this but Aakash thik bol raha hai
Aakash looked at sameer in astornishment coz he never expected this coming from Sameer. Now uncle was silent. He was in a state of dilemma. Aakash thought am I in a dream or sameer is really supporting me. Then uncle smiled and said
Uncle- Jab dhula dhulhan razi to kya karega kazi.
Someone from the crowd said Sameer dekhta rah gaya aur Aakash le gaya bazi and everybody started laughing. Sameer’s face became red.
Suddenly Anamika arrived there and was surprised to see everyone laughing
 Aakash- Ye hamari Hindi film ki police ki tarah hai. Jab sab khatam ho gaya tab aa rahi hai.
And this series of laughter continued…
Aakash(to Sameer)- No offence with you buddy. Don’t take it amiss nothing was personal.
Sameer- I know that. If I was in you place I would have said same thing as you did.
Aakash- But if I was in your place I would have punched you
And they both smiled and shook hands. Everything went said Aakash thought. He started smiling and thought that he has done all the clichés like running on the airport, stopping a marriage (engagement) that I hero do in the movies whom I thought were idiots

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Off to Write

This post was written yesterday night or should I say today morning but I am posting it now coz I slept while writing so please read it in that mood only

After trying so hard to write the perfect ending to my story Lucky in Love, I thought to myself I can’t do it today. It has been a long day. I should collapse on the coziest horizontal surface for my long awaited sleep. But I am staring at the ceiling, blinking my eyes trying to sleep. I tried counting the sheep and reached up 4939 and still no sign of sleep. It’s just sleep and me does not come along so well until I write something so I accepted my defeat and sat in front of my computer. And its not today that i have been facing this problem. I have this thing from a long time. Now its 3 am in the morning deprived of sleep my eyes are burning my spine is shouting out of pain but I have no idea about the ending of the story. I am totally wiped. I was walking down the street and I had the perfect ending for my love story and my heart said “Eureka”. Now when I am sitting in front of my laptop, I can’t think of anything. But my fingers are uncooperative, my mind refusing to function, it’s moving like a turtle. The climax of story is the most important thing for me coz it should have something different “Div effect” on it but I am blank now. This blog writing has become obsession for me. Every day I think I have to write something. Check my blog in each hour visitors or if anyone has left a comment or not. I remember a time when I used to take my food with me upstairs and eat and write simultaneously. Eating with my left hand (evening snacks) digging into bowl and writing with my right hand typing furiously whatever idea had come to my mind at that time. Let me tell you why I started writing blogs in the first place. I was running out of friends to take out my frustration. So first I started writing about my frustration and realities then I created my own fictional characters (if you have noticed I always use the same names for my stories). The good thing with me is I love telling stories. If even a small incident will happen in my daily life I describe it interestingly although it’s a common incident that can happen in anybody’s day to day life. I love creating new worlds and play around with them. I think I am suffering from writer’s fatigue now a days so it’s better to put up a creative goodbye post. It’s time to collect my thought back again before getting back to writing again. My blog has never been a victim of quantity. It has always been nourished by quality. It’s going to be a drought in my blog for a while for a better “crop” tomorrow. So bye guys and girls I am going to unplug my brain to writing for sometime.
                                                             Take care

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Lucky in Love Part 5

So a little recap from the previous part. Aakash is a Facebook addict guy met a girl there named Jiya. Slowly they fall in love. But Sameer asked her to marry and she said yes. Aakash will sit in his room and cry. He never got out of his room. As he lived alone there was no one to take care of him. No one saw him in the college for days. One day Aakash was sitting on a chair. He was thinking about Jiya. He said to himself. Nothing is going to change if I will not do anything. Eventually Sameer and Jiya will get married if I didn’t do anything fast. So he called up Anamika and told her everything.
Anamika-I know yaar. But now anything can’t be done
Aakash- Abhi bahut kuch ho sakta hai. Do one thing you just give me her address. I will manage the rest
Anamika- are you gone crazy or what. What will you say to his dad…
Aakash- Tu address to de vo sab me dekh lunga. Tujhe to pata hai mein funde dene me expert hun
Anamika- Aakash I hope you know what you are doing coz if you screwed this up image of Jiya will be in jeopardy
Aakash- I know that yaar. I will never let that happen. Trust me. Main hun na. Remember Anamika when you said to me that uska dil dukhaya to me tera muh tod dungi. Ab bata me kiska muh todu…tera ya Sameer ka?
Anamika- I don’t know yaar. I mean I never thought it would turn out so bad. I am sorry Aakash.
Aakash- I know. It’s ok. Everything gonna be alright. Bye take care
Anamika gave the address to Aakash. He immediately called his friends some borrowed money and booked the flight. He packed his bag and ran towards the airport. As he sat there on the airport he thought “Should I tell Jiya that I am coming. But then she will make him understand how wrong I am and I shouldn’t do it. No it’s a bad idea”. The flight took 3 hours to reach there. As soon as he reached Jiya’s house, he saw the whole house decorated. As he entered in the house he saw overly makeup aunties dressed in sarees and exited uncles. He called up Anamika expecting she would be around.
Aakash- Where are you? I have reached Jiya’s house
Anamika-I am not at Jiya’s place.
Aakash- How I would recognize Jiya’s dad.
Anamika- I still think it’s not a good idea.
Aakash- Now it’s too late to back out.
Anamika- You are on your own now. Best of luck. I hope everything turned out as you have planned
And he kept the phone. He said to himself “Solid drama hone wala hai aaj”

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lucky in Love Part 4

So a little recap from the previous part. Aakash is a Facebook addict guy met a girl there named Jiya. And as conversation progressed Aakash proposed her. At first Jiya was reluctant but as she saw caring nature of Aakash she said yes. Now life of both have changed. They never noticed it but it did. As for Aakash he started smiling for no reason, started singing love songs in between of work. Jiya started became conscious about her look. She will frequently view the mirror. Life was so good for them. Even since they have not met each other but they thought they knew each other from a long time. Time whether its good or bad it changes. If life was so simple why people would have to struggle for anything. Once Aakash was busy in work so he could not call Jiya for a week. Even Jiya could not call. That day Jiya called in the middle of the night. Aakash picked up the call in half sleep. In the morning as Aakash was checking his calls he saw Jiya’s number in the received calls. So he called back Jiya and but as the conversation progressed Aakash found Jiya’s tone different.

Aakash- Did you called last night? I don’t remember you calling me

Jiya- Yes. I wanted to talk to you

Aakash- Ya tell me now
Jiya- now it doesn't matter any more 

Aakash (with a smile) - Ok but did I said anything while in sleep

Jiya- You picked up the phone and said don’t disturb me now.

Aakash- really!!! I am sorry I was aware. I was in my sleep. Something wrong? 
 You sound disturbed

Jiya started crying

Jiya- I am sorry Aakash.

Aakash- What happened Shona. Tell me

Jiya- You didn’t call me for past 1 week and I was feeling sad and lonely. I tried calling you but could not get through. I wanted to talk to someone. In the meanwhile sameer came home. He saw me and asked me so I told him everything and I don’t know what happened to me I laid my head on his shoulder. He was moving my hand in my hairs. He said I love me and wanted to take care of me. He want to marry me. I didn’t answer and we stayed there for a long time. And next day his parent came to my home with a marriage proposal and they talked with my parents and now our parents wanted to tie the knot.

Aakash was getting restless on the other side. He crossed his fingers and asked what did you said Jiya

Jiya- I said I wanted time to think. And I called yesterday night to tell you everything but after seeing your response I was angry. So I called sameer and said yes to him.

Aakash was shattered

Aakash- Jiya I was sleeping. I even don’t remember receiving your call. You are giving absurd reasons. How can you do this to me?

Jiya- I know but I was angry. And moreover I couldn’t tell my parents about you. 
They will think it’s not love. And I don’t want to see my parents unhappy. For their sake I said yes

Aakash- You cared about their happiness. What about your happiness my happiness?

Jiya- I am sorry Aakash. My parents are everything to me. I can’t say NO to them. It will be good for both of us to forget each other.

Aakash- How easily you said forget each other. I can’t think living without you for one day

Jiya- My engagement is next week. Sameer is my would be husband. It will good for you too to forget me and move on with your life. You have not even met me. You will easily forget me.

And Jiya kept the phone. Aakash sat there crying alone in his room. He was thinking what went wrong. On the other side Jiya was also crying on her helplessness

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Non sense Continues

Before starting this blog let me tell you this blog post is written out of boredom and frustration coz of my studies and a desperate attempt to increase the TRP of this blog. Readers should read this content at their own risk. Writer should not be held responsible if you get bored at the end of this blog. Another warning that is should give is excessive reading of my blog may lead to aggression, pulling of hair, throwing things. Personally I would suggest take deep breaths and take out your frustration by giving me comments. Now you have your own personal space to write and at least you know there is one person who will read it with pure respect and concentration no matter how bad they are…:D :D( Ya that me)Well I don’t take criticisms so well so you better give me good comments…:D :D. So now when you have already decided to read it let me come to the point. As I was scrolling down my blog post I started thinking I write about things any one can write about. I mean anyone can talk about bull shit I just wrote. Let me tell you why I am raising this issue again. As clear from the previous blog post that I can write about anything and everything. I don’t even need a topic to talk on (apart from those boring topics like politic and current affair.(sorry irfan bhai no offence you are a great writer)). Let newspaper write about them. You are here for some fun. I can write about reality. What I think of people what I think of the world but my mind is filled with so much of negativity now a days that I don’t want to make this blog the way of taking out my frustration(You must be thinking what am I doing from past  5mins). But I don’t see enough comments in my blog that it deserve. I mean I don’t want my inbox to be filled with just comment but at least show some respect and praise me…..:D :D(I am now practically begging for it…:P:P). As now I can see a feeble smile on your face I think my motive of this blog is finished so I should leave you alone otherwise you can kill me. Hey time for a new pj. Ha ha ha you thought you can escape that easily

Why people are not supposed to clap in Afghanistan?
don’t know
Coz Afghanistan has “Taliban”(Talli ban)…:D :D

PS I am working on my love story. I am trying to give it a good end...:):)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

lucky in love part 3

So a little recap from the previous part. Aakash is a Facebook addict guy met a girl there named Jiya. And as conversation progressed Aakash proposed her. Aakash thought Jiya didn’t wanted to talk to him anymore that why she cut the phone but the reality was she ran out of balance. She also liked Aakash and wanted to tell her but luck didn’t favor the situation coz Aakash didn’t had balance either otherwise he would called her in the first place. Now at one side Aakash was sitting on the edge of the window. Sleep was miles away. He was thinking that he messed it up all and another side Jiya was lying on his bed and staring at the ceiling. She was not sleepy either. She was worried about Aakash. This night was crucial for both of them. Next morning first thing both they wanted to do was recharge their cell phones and call. Jiya called Aakash

Jiya- My balance got finished yesterday.

Aakash-I thought that only (but he obviously thought something else). So what is your answer?

Jiya-About what

 Aakash-Yesterday I asked you something

Jiya-Oh about that Aakash I like you but I don’t love you. You are a nice guy. Every girl will be happy who get a guy like you

Aakash- I don’t want anyone else I want to make you happy. If I am that nice why don’t you love me

Jiya-why are you not understanding Aakash…. We are not meant to be together. It’s just we have been talking continuously from a long time that’s why you are thinking that way. It’s a mere attraction.

Aakash-It was a serendipity that we met which not occurs quite often. You sneaked my life and then my heart and I had no idea when it happened but surely it did. You are calling it mere attraction. I wish I could tell you that how much I love you. I will never leave you alone, will never let you get scared. All I just want is a chance. If nothing happened between us we will part our ways. That ways no one will get hurt. Simple

Jiya-it’s not that simple as you are thinking Aakash.

Aakash-Jiya think after ten years down the line when you will be walking on the street thinking was there something between us. What if we had given this a chance. What if we have given us a chance. I don’t want to say what if all my life.

 Jiya was lost in her thought what to say. There was a silence for 5 second

Jiya said ok let’s give this a shot

 Aakash was practical dancing on the other side of the phone

Jiya-That doesn’t mean it’s a yes.

Aakash knew that he will convert this “maybe” into a “yes”. Now they started taking things on the next level. “Tu” became “tum” and “kar” became “karo”. Now Jiya saw a drastic change in Aakash. The different side of him she has only seen him cracking jokes and making fun of everybody but now she saw a sinecure romantic Aakash taking care of her. Every time they talked he used to her that if she has eaten or not. If she was ill he will call her and remind her to take her medicine. One day when they were talking Jiya was lying on the bed coz of fever. Aakash was scolding her for being careless and not taking her medicine. Jiya had tears in her eye (khushi ke aansu as in the Hindi movies) thinking that she is so lucky for having a caring person in her life and out of nowhere she said I love you. And I would like you to take care of me and scold me like this for the rest of my life.